I'm an upcoming PhD student in the
at the
University of Notre Dame, working with
Prof. Xiangliang Zhang.
Prior to joining ND, I received my Master degree from
Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA),
mentored by Prof. Jianhua Tao and
Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU), advised by
Prof. Mangui Liang in 2024,
and won the Outstanding M.S. Dissertation Award from the BJTU.
During my M.S. study, I worked as a short-term interning student at the
UNC Chapel Hill,
collaborated with Prof. Huaxiu Yao and
Prof. Mohit Bansal.
For my long-term research goal, I aim to encompass broad research fields to understand humans and impact our real lives through ever-evolving embodied AI systems with multiple agents & modalities. In particular, I've been focusing on tackling practical and real-world challenges in various research domains, including continual learning, multimodal learning (w/ audio, video, language, etc), online/streaming learning, and LLMs.